5 Common Causes of Blocked Drains in Derby

5 Common Causes of Blocked Drains in Derby

Blocked drains are a frequent issue for residents and businesses in Derby. Understanding the causes of these blockages can help in preventing them and maintaining a smooth functioning drainage system. Here, we explore the five most common reasons why drains get blocked in the Derby area and provide insights on how to address these problems.

1. Incorrect Disposal of Kitchen Waste

One of the primary culprits behind blocked drains in Derby homes is the improper disposal of kitchen waste. Oils and grease are particularly problematic when washed down the kitchen sink because they solidify within the plumbing, leading to significant blockages over time.

  • Preventative Tip: Instead of disposing of grease down the sink, let it solidify and then discard it in the trash. Consider installing a grease trap if your home tends to have frequent issues.

2. Bathroom Waste Accumulation

Bathroom drains often become clogged due to the accumulation of hair, soap scum, and other personal care products. These materials can build up slowly, eventually obstructing the flow of water.

  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly clean the drain stoppers in your showers and sinks to remove hair and other debris. For detailed advice and assistance, check out our drain unblocking services.

3. Flushing Inappropriate Items

Toilets are designed to handle human waste and toilet paper; however, many blockages are caused by flushing items that do not disintegrate or dissolve in water, such as:

  • Baby wipes
  • Sanitary products
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Paper towels


  • Education: Educate everyone in your household about what should and should not be flushed. Placing a reminder sign near the toilet can help reduce these incidents.

4. Tree Root Infiltration

Tree roots can be a major cause of blocked drains in suburban areas of Derby, where large trees are common near residential properties. Roots naturally seek out water sources, and they can infiltrate even small cracks in your pipes, eventually causing significant blockages and damage.

  • Inspection and Prevention: It’s wise to have CCTV drain surveys conducted if you suspect tree roots might be affecting your drains. This method allows for a non-invasive look into your pipes to assess and address root growth effectively.

Here’s a video of our root cutter in action in Derby:


5. Structural Issues with Drainage Pipes

Over time, pipes can suffer from various structural issues due to age, construction quality, or external pressures such as traffic or construction activities. Common problems include:

  • Collapsed pipes
  • Misaligned pipes due to ground movement
  • Corrosion and wear

Monitoring and Repair:

  • Scheduled Checks: Regular inspections and maintenance can help catch and correct these issues early. Our drainage repair and relining services provide effective solutions for worn or damaged pipes without the need for extensive excavation.


Understanding and addressing the common causes of blocked drains can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of these issues in Derby. At Inspect-a-Drain, we offer comprehensive services designed to keep your drains running smoothly. From regular maintenance to emergency unblocking, our team is equipped to handle any challenge. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation.

Remember, preventing blocked drains starts with awareness and proper care. Regular maintenance and professional inspections are key to ensuring a functional drainage system in your home or business.

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